插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 Zealie doodles的插画

Mollay smiyth

收藏 1
浏览数 105


  • 写生

  • 原创人设

  • cowboy

  • RDR2

  • RDR2Oc


Ermmmm there’s a bunch of neat story I have for her, so first of all, she starts off young in a decent at best family which is just about struggling, so she goes to town and sells newspapers, while doing so she observes thieves and pickpockets, and eventually when she gets older she learns from her mother how to sew and becomes a seamstress, in doing so she makes one of those really puffy dresses with layers and under the top layer is a BIG I mean BIG pocket sewn into the inside of the dress, completely hidden, and using little bits of small money she does have she gets all fancied up and sneaks into parties and dances with men, in doing so she pickpockets them and as you can guess, stuffs it all into the hidden pocket, this goes on for about two months until a guy finds out and gets into a fight, she isn’t really a fighter nor strong so she gets thrown down and scarred by a rock, so once healed she becomes a full bandit with stolen goods :)


    时间顺序 Zealie doodles的插画


    Self aware
    Zealie doodles



    今日的LEVEL UP