插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 JemonFucious08的插畫

Lacie Benton, Marana Benton, and Jorge Quince

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 498


  • medibang

Lacie Benton is a Southern female with a slight low voice, and she has a sister. (My head canon) She is the mid-oldest daughter of her own family.
Marana Benton is the mid-youngest daughter of her own family. Her sister is Lacie. She has a boyfriend, which is Jorge Quince, who looks like slight a female but 80% male.
Jorge Quince is the boyfriend of Marana Benton and also has 2 children of Marana's and his own. They did have children.

Lacie, doesn't like to called trans because she is not trans. She doesn't like Bertrum nor any one, but has a slight crush on Jack Fain or any man she sees. She does have a crush on females and doesn't fall in love with them.

Marana and Jorge belongs to me.
Lacie belongs to the Meatly.


    上傳時間 JemonFucious08的插畫



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