イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

新着 Malhearstのイラスト

The Alchemist

お気に入り 3
ビュー数 179


  • medibangpaint

  • オリキャラ

  • ヒト

  • ウィザード

  • D&D

  • Alchemist

  • Cassandra

  • Divination

"Sit down."
Cassandra obeyed Him, her fledgling teenage body landing softly on the hard wood of the stool.
"In front of you stand three vials." His voice was almost grating, gruff and soothing at the same time. He confused her, and she tried to look up at him, but her unseeing eyes had never laid upon him and wouldn't begin to now. A part of her considered getting up, out of her seat, surprising him, satisfying her curiosity. What did he look like right now? Serious? Or was it all a game, were his features folded into a private smile at watching her helpless, at his mercy, ready to begin a game of his design, while he was trying to keep his voice even?
"They're all dangerous, but one is less so if you ingest it. The time has come to show me what you've learned." His words sounded so unfamiliar to her ears, but an unmistakable chill ran down her back. He wouldn't let her die, would he?
"Pick your poison."


    新着 Malhearstのイラスト



