插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 Queen V的插画

Hey…It’s Gia! (for Jen Jen’s contest) 🦒😘

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浏览数 316


  • 森林

  • 女孩

  • contest

  • Lol

  • 长颈鹿

  • Sparkly

  • theme

  • Jen_Contest

Oops, I did it again! 😅 Here’s yet another work done with the wonderful ideas of Lady Jen. This is my interpretation of Jen Jen’s original character, Gia.

I’m not sure why exactly I spazzed on this right here, but one thing led to another and It ended up becoming a full color illustration. ☺️ I had a lot of fun working on this design, mostly because character designs are my kinda thing, as I have come to realize. 🤔

Here is also Gia’s character interpretation: She’s pretty tall, loves track-running (athletic), and juice bars, boba teas, & smoothies. She is an outdoorsy, strong-willed, loyal human (uh… ish) being. (These are just my observations, and you can edit or keep whatever parts if you like, Lady Jen.)

And finally, if any of you have an oc that wants redesigning, I could probably hook ya up if I can find the time. I can’t promise it will be as detailed as this, buuuuuuut… 😏

For your viewing pleasure, please enjoy! 💖

…On to the next project!✌️👽


    时间顺序 Queen V的插画


    Queen V



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