일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 HumbleMarty의 일러스트

Kimetsu no Yaiba

즐겨찾기 2


  • medibangpaint

  • 귀멸의칼날

  • 我妻善逸

  • 카마도네즈코

  • HumbleMarty

吾峠呼世晴, Gotōge Koyoharu

This guy makes some really cool characther designs. I got into the anime and really fell in love with how the characters bounce off each other on screen.

Inosuke's brashness. Tanjiro being big bro of the year every day, and Zenitsu the crouching coward hidden badass with a thing for girls.

This picture was also inspired by grown-up Nezuko on Twitter. Now I know it's not everyone's favorite art piece. On the other hand every art piece is different and it's okay to see what other characthers done by the same artist would look like.

Story behind this one? I wanted to see what an in-universe older Nezuko would look like. She tends to be a little brazen and has this cute habit of doling out affection. Zenitsu, he still crushes hard when it comes to cute girls. Has a healthy respect but, at heart, would heat up like a 5 alarm hot pepper when hugged by a hottie. No worry Tanjiro is still the protective bro. Inosuke is still the loud and proud warrior man

    다음 작품

    신작순 HumbleMarty의 일러스트


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