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Últimas evan1989’s art

The Red Faceless Mage named Kanu

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hace 2 años

  • Fantasía

  • Aventura

  • ConcursoMensualAgosto2022:PersonajesOriginales

  • magic

  • oc

  • mage

  • elemental

  • medieval

  • wizard

  • power

Some mages have been born through mortal women, but not by the seed of men. Some are children of the gods! Who sometimes have a thing for women of our race. Here dressed in red is the Red Faceless Mage named Kanu. He was chosen to be trained as a warrior mage, by the Order of The Faceless Wanderers. From youth, they train night and day in the arts of magic and combat. The leader of the Order is never seen without a mask. It is said it is because he has no face of his own. So all members of the order wear masks.

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