插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 율이다요오的插畫

undertale aus(sonatale sensy and underbeats beats)

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 108


  • 可愛

  • UndertaleAU

  • beats_sans

um...hello guys! ummm....I know my art is bad....but if you like the pictures I'll happy I like sans aus
and why abyss sans and kin sans is there? abyss is beats friend and kin sans is he's boy friend ^^ and tone sans? almost alike beats sans
I'll upload other pictures later...! (Um... I'm not that bright...) Besides Undertale au, I sometimes write a little different stuff, such as the heart-pounding literary club, YouTuber fan art, and hiper demension neptunia. I'll post a picture. Thank you very much to those who liked the picture.


    上傳時間 율이다요오的插畫



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