Kolonia ver. A
Kolonia was built by the Penumbra after their kingdom of Lithavania was destroyed when Viennri Iris tried to take the throne from his brother, Requiem. Many escaped though casualties were high and the once great people that ruled western Catheel were pushed out by the Huema. Weak and distraught, the elders of the people moved them deep into the mountains of Wes Borders and began the endeavor of forging a new home from the black rock.
A massive tower standing at 3,000ft tall and over 1,000ft at its widest, the Penumbra used both magic and might to carve away the ebon marbut structure into its current fashion. It was a curious design choice even for them, but it was intended to act more as a continuous generator for the paling hiding the settlement, its arcane patterning of structures placement and streets amplifying this.
Not including the bourgeois districts below, Kolonia consists of five tiers.