Newest art of Luigi
Today is Sunday and I normally draw Pokémon art for my grandmother, however I wanted to draw something else for today. So I decided to draw Luigi from the Mario series, to finish off my Mario art week. Luigi is my favorite character in the mario games, mostly cause I can relate to him. We're both timid and both scared of the dark, yes I'm scared of the dark at times mostly when it's super quite. Thous is why I like luigi, and times I feel bad that luigi is put at second best. Where Mario has all the fun adventures while luigi is put in the back. I hope someday outside of the mansion games, luigi will finally get his own adventure game. When it does come out, I'll be more than happy to play it.
Art: I used a lighter green marker, cause the other green marker looked a bit too dark. Plus couldn't find the right blue, but I did did the best I can, so please enjoy ^^
Drawing: by me
Character/reference: Belongs to Nintendo