일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Spectre/GadgetCoat83의 일러스트

Punch-August 2024 Day 3- Disco Kid

즐겨찾기 0


  • 팬아트

  • colourful

  • punchout!!

  • disco

  • Boxer

  • Punch-Out!!

  • Punch-August

  • Punch-August2024

  • DiscoKid

Our first English speaking character, youngest opponent in the Wii game and second youngest character in said game (the youngest being Little Mac). He’s also one of the four nicer characters in said game, alongside Glass Joe, Piston Hondo and Bear Hugger.

I don’t draw black characters a lot, especially not coloured ones, so I hope I haven’t whitewashed Disco Kid much. Yes, his skin is rather light, but that’s just a part of his canonical design.

As for his outfit, I fused two of his outfits from his contender cutscene, and of course the pose he’s in is a reference to the second frame of it, which he shows off his trophies. Sadly, by the time I do King Hippo, I’ll have to start taking inspiration from others, since from then on, I cannot rely on the cutscenes from the Wii game for outfits (I have not played the Wii game, but I’m pretty familiar with it).

Disco Kid and Punch-Out!! belong to Nintendo.
Art is done by me.

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    신작순 Spectre/GadgetCoat83의 일러스트




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