일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 ElkStories의 일러스트


즐겨찾기 3


  • 고양이

  • warriorcats

  • feral

  • clan

  • Kittypet

Made this character in 2009-2011. (I was born in 2000)

Originally she was a half-sister of Firestar, I don't remember if I said it was the same mom or same dad but she was definitely a separate litter from the one Firestar was from. She was raised as a kittypet and sent to live with a family. I don't remember the story I made up for how she ended up joining Thunderclan like her brother. This was before I read more of the books and found out about the move.

So I kind of scrapped that and decided since I used her when playing Warrior Cat Places on Roblox, her story would span from those roleplay adventures I had with other people. A lot of times i'd end up being deputy. Though I refused to become leader because i'd have to be named starstar and I feel like that's something that wouldn't be allowed. So I made it a part of her story that the leader who let her join Thunderclan named her Starpaw out of spite knowing she could never be leader like her half-brother; She left many clans.

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    신작순 ElkStories의 일러스트


    Art Specialist


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