House Dianisia
House Dianisia is one of the founding families of Lithavania and only remaining among them that still supports House Arcturus.
Heir as the eldest of House Dianisia, Draken and his parents remained loyal to the Arcturus royal line while his younger siblings adopted the current views of Kolonia.
Prominette Goyumscye belonged to a merchant family that came into wealth thanks to House Arcturus, thus keeping close business ties with them. When the three Arcturus children appeared in Kolonia, few made their fealty known to them, the Goyumscye being one. Prominette grew up with Varen and Vetrise, even once courting the young heir for a time.
Amunda is the only child of Draken and Prominette, somewhat spoiled, but wise to the world around her. She befriends Miriam?Viktoria at the behest of her mother.
Draken founded Lumas Interlo alongside Engel with his wife acting as intermediary in his stead when necessary.