일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang


Curupira and Saci

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  • digital

  • digitalpainting

  • study

A personal project I'm developing about Brazilian folklore, the first two characters I drew, Saci Pererê and Curupira.

The legend of Curipira tells of a mythical being protector of the forest who turned against those who entered the forest to cut down trees or hunt animals.

And the legend of the saci emerges as a playful figure, who makes fun of animals and people, making small pranks that create domestic difficulties, or scaring night travelers with his whistles – quite high-pitched and impossible to locate. This is how he braids the animals' hair, after making them tired with running around; it interferes with the cooks' work, causing them to burn the food, or even, putting salt in the sugar containers or vice versa; or travelers getting lost on the roads.

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