Llorelei Nakken
He wasn't originally designed to be a Dnd character, but he became one.
He grew up in the deepest reaches of the sea, a place almost no one knows about. His father fought his way to power, being the first King of his kind to do so, an aloof royal family ruled before him, but that all changed. His father had a good run but eventually died, leaving him heir to the throne. He ruled for a long while before realizing that his people didn't approve of his methods and often compared him to his old man.
Fed up with his subject's disapproval, he decided to make a new life for himself. He addressed those who stood in the courtyard outside his castle and told them to nominate someone to take his place. Bewildered, they obliged and sent up an older fellow. Llorelei gave him a rundown of what he does, left, and never looked back. He didn't care what would become of the kingdom, all he knew was that it was no longer his problem.
He found himself on the surface, now the advisor to the land king.