일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Lollipwap의 일러스트

QnA neet#3

즐겨찾기 14


  • 낙서

  • Q&A


Sorry if Lolli didn't post these things sooner lolli was suddenly busy and sleep because tired and stuff and if you guys still want to question lolli please go to the original post thingy because Lolli gets really confuse on where this and that stuff
now to question the answers properly

•Lolli started at June or august because a friend suggested lolli to check out the app but what they didn't know that there was a website to it so Lolli check it out and kaboom.

•to be honest lolli doesn't really like pink
Lolli doesn't know waii there was pink in Lolli's character but eh--(sorry if the rainbow color is wrong-

•lolli is not really sure if Lolli can join the contest since lolli is having a hard time with art block a bit...and those were smoll doodles

•lolli really loves sleeping too much--

•lolli loves fennec foxes so that's waii Lolli's character is a fennec fox (there is more reasons but lolli is too lazy to tell the other ones--)

Lolli hopes that you guys likes it..!!

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    신작순 Lollipwap의 일러스트


    ADHD Fox!


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