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1 year ago

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I had a bit of mental breakdown, so I’m heavily medicated with SSRI and because of the war my medication was out of stock for a few months. I had my own stock that kept me a float for most of it but a month ago that also ended. So a week ago I got more of it making me better , I’m still not 100% back but i can do art again, so if my art looks a bit less… bright. That’s why. I will be completely back to normal in a month. My brain can’t create its own serotonin and dopamine to save my life. Never could. So meditation is a must.
My art school work didn’t suffer much. As this year is much more technical. So it’s perfect for someone that their emotions are not working properly.
Hope you all are doing well. All the 4 people that reads my rants here and also those who don’t read it. Eat well drink water and sleep at least 7 hours. Take care.

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