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The Mystery Signature

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5 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • cq

  • comicon

a strange signature can be found on my artwork of Giratina. but.... who's signature even is it?
well, my friends...... that signature.....
is from CQ, the CrayonQueen herself. yes. I MET CQ. I was at ComiCon with friends when a nice girl about my age asked if I was meant to be cosplaying as Error. i was like "YES SOMEONE FINALLY RECOGNIZES IT" and she showed me a poster she had bought of Error, and then mentioned "the creator is selling these". 4 random middle schoolers, bolting through the ailes of the convention, searching for her, and we found her! she saw me and said, and I quote, "well what a coincidence, look who it is" in response to seeing me. she looked pretty tired, but she was really nice and answered some little questions I had. i got a hug from her, and she signed my sketchbook and my friend's sketchbook. she even complimented my artwork! i bought an Error poster, and my friend Jason bought a freakin Fresh poster of friccin course he did. it was really cool!~

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