插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 SilverCloud25的插畫

Snoopers [with description]

我的最愛 20
閱覽數 270


  • medibangpaint

  • warriorcats

  • Silververse

  • Cloudclan

  • silverkit

  • rockkit

  • flamekit

"They slipped out of motherhood and hid behind lush bushes, watching for any vigilant or warrior to doesn't saw them.They moved through the shadows until they reached an area where a good view of the north side of the camp was obtained.
-wooooah-exclaimed Rockkit -is bigger than I imagined!- Said, moving his paws with emotion.
-mother had never taken us that far- added Flamekit with some concern in his voice.-Maybe we should ...- But was interrupted by the drowned scream of Silverkit.
-Look over there!- She nodded to a huge rock full of ferns and moss, which had a hole in the center where a slender gray she-cat came out, which sat with its tail neatly rolled up on its legs, and looked to the camp with pride.-that must be the lair of Rainstar-she said in amazement. As a precaution, Flamekit put her paw on her tail, in case it occurred to her to run away."


    上傳時間 SilverCloud25的插畫



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