some wips LEVEL 1
4 years ago
And this is animation that has already been mentioned somewhere :v
This time, one of the favorite OCs and his stalker will get their 21 seconds
I have not much left, the part with Sparrow (SparrowPaw) is left, in which I cannot animate piece and then Ctrl+C, Crtl+V :')
(Yes, I'm going the easy way, if it's possible)
Rather you won't see it, but each fragment is divided differently and doesn't repeat itself like in parts with Raven (RavenHeart)
That's why editing usually takes half / full day
Seriously, drawing everything is less tiring than editing :'D
First one I like a lot, unfinished thumbnail also started looks cool, and the shadow of the paw is hopeless, but it won't draw it better anyway so...
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