darkstoolker 0_0
OPINION ALERT! (also alot of spelling mistakes)
I don't really like Darkstalker. I personally don't know why everyone adores him really, I don't think Tui meant for this character to be so popular. The fact he has his own book and the 2nd arc was practically revolved around him is kind of overwelming. Also that one theory about Peacemaker putting on Qibli's earrings just doesn't make much sense. Like, 1, why do you want him to come back?? 2, wouldn't that not do anything?? Foeslayer said that she and Kinkajou worded the spell very carefully, so, wouldn't that make the spell permanant and not able to be undone??? And, on top of that, Peacemaker is just such a cute character. I always imagined a scene where Foeslayer and Peacemaker sit on the edge of the rainforest as Peacemaker's mother tells him the story of Clearsight. Anyway, PEACEMAKER NEEDS HIS OWN BO-