插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Lok Strife的插畫

Gary/Blue Classic Style

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 201


  • fanart

  • 精靈寶可夢

  • traditionalart

  • Markerdrawings

  • classic

  • pokemonart

  • Gary

  • garyoak

  • Pokemonrival

  • pokemonartist

Newest art of Gary/Blue from the Pokémon Red and Blue games, and has to be my top favorite Pokémon rival of all time. Playing the games when I was younger, and Gary here always kept me on my toes. I chose charmander and he picked Squritle or I'd choose bulbasaur and he'd pick charmander. I also loved at the time, he came without warning which when he arrived you hear his usual rival music which makes you go. "Oh no, I hope I leveled up my Pokémon right or I hope I have the right Pokémon to take on his." Kind of mind set. I also loved Gary from the anime, how he grew from being a bully and arrogant rival to becoming a nicer person who starts to respect ash over time. So today I decided to draw him for those reasons, and draw him in his OG art and colors. Please enjoy

draw by me
Gary/Blue: belongs to Gamefreak and Nintendo


    上傳時間 Lok Strife的插畫


    Manga art Artist
    Lok Strife



    今天的LEVEL UP