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Henri the French Werewolf Butler

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1 week ago

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  • Henri

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Here’s a character I’ve had for a while, but never submitted art on here of: Henri, the French werewolf butler. Blame TF2 and Punch-Out!! for me making him French, I haven’t been the same since I’ve become obsessed with those games (I’ve never played TF2, by the way).

Yes, he is indeed a werewolf. I’m just doing his human form for now.

Facts about him:
-He became a werewolf when he fed a rather aggressive guest (that’s a werewolf) of the mansion he works at and was severely injured from the encounter, including one of his arms being broken.
-He speaks with a Parisian French accent.
-He sometimes curses in French, though mainly when he’s not feeling very well.
-His grey hair is due to his lycanthropy turning it as such. Naturally, his hair is black. As for his age? He’s only 28.
-He loves cats, even in his wolf form.
-Sometimes, when angered as a human, his face becomes more wolf-like, though not enough to transform fully.

Character belongs to me.
Art is done by me.

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