Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest Zeth’s art

Robot graveyard

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7 years ago

  • mewcarion

  • robot

  • bomber

  • mecha

  • thunder

  • Jolteon

  • lighting

  • bonba

  • volt

  • Graveyard

This is Volt bomber/Bonba. He is the Guardian of justice!
Anyone who makes it through here and past him are granted access to paradise where everything is perfect, However he will judge you before granting you passage and if you can't beat his test.... this is where your journey ends.

This is the graveyard for all the robots who can't make it through to paradise which is right beyond these mountains, just have to follow the road. It is very simple and this is where most journey ends as well and Volt IS the reason for that.

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