Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest zoey art 🎨 ゾーイアート’s art

a birthday gift for myself 💃🤍✨ LEVEL 1

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10 months ago

  • girl

  • illustration

  • cute

  • fashion

  • sea

  • shiny

  • krita

  • gift

I know that I was late for a whole month to finish the illustration, but I was feeling a lot of pressure in the past period and I put a lot of pressure on myself to complete it, and this is wrong because it always makes me feel like I don’t want to draw, or more accurately, “art block,” but I took a while. I took a short break and went back to finish it now, even though I feel a little sick 😅 but that's okay, the result was satisfactory for me, and I hope you like it too.
I drew it on my nineteenth birthday, a month ago, April 4, and published the sketch of the drawing.
I hope you really like it, and that my dear friend Nawal will come back and share her opinion of the drawing, because I really miss her.
Have a wonderful day like you 💖🤍 :)✨

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