Drying up smol little 2d 💙 ~A little AU I created
7 years ago
A "AU" I created. Murdoc is drying up small 2d after shower. To summarize the the "AU" Murdoc did some sort of satanic ritual on 2d to alter him to his liking to make him "less of a annoying sod". But everything comes with concequences. This turned 2d into a mute ( the part which makes him less annoying) little boy, so now since Murdoc was the one who caused this he has to take care of him until he finds a way to change him back. 2d seems to have lost all memory of murdoc hurting him before he got turned into a little boy so hes clingy twords Muds. Kinda like a father figure in a way, something Muds never experienced before. Tbh im not to sure if this even counts as a AU. Thats why theirs quotations above AU 😅