일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Somachi MF96의 일러스트

SantaMedibang help me ^ - ^ LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 6


  • giftyouwant2020

  • giftyouwant2020:30000YenGift

  • 크리스마스

  • drawing

  • gift

  • Hope

  • Amazing

  • Sony

こ ん に ち は Medibang Judge! I would love to win these fantastic Sony-xm3 headphones because when I listen to music like jpop, metal, lofi, rock, I am transported to another dimension, my focus increases, my designs improve and I am able to overcome all my limits! these headphones are of high quality and allow me to have both total isolation or hear those around me! it would be a wonderful gift so when I draw and when I study I can really concentrate a lot and improve! SantaMedibang please help me make my wish come true thank you very much.
あ り が と う ご ざ い ま す

Amazon Italy link: Sony WH-1000XM3 https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07GDR2LYK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_.Oe5FbJSD88G7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Amazon Japan link: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07GZ8DZC8/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdb_imm_c_zQe5FbQ6W6ND1

Thank you very much!

    다음 작품

    신작순 Somachi MF96의 일러스트


    Somachi MF96


    인기 작품

    오늘의 레벨업!