"I truly need it" 🙏🏼 LEVEL 2
4 years ago
I love to draw. Ever since I've gotten into digital art, the demand on drawing tablets rose and I was troubled since I can't afford them or ask my mom to buy one. It's common to have financial difficulties, since the salary from my mom would be enough for the house rent, bills and food when there's extra. I want to help out, by joining comic contests since I have a passion for illustrating and telling stories. With the prize cash, I would have eased the extra hard work my mom puts in her schedule amidst the pandemic. What I needed was one graphic tablet, it'll also be needed once I take up the course I'll be entertering by the end of next year, which is animation/graphic designing. As young as I am, I have to start with how I'll be able to find a job, to help my mom. 🙏🏼
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