일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Bella’s memes >:3의 일러스트

Pam x Clay (read description??? if u want)

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  • medibangpaint

Hello my potato’s this will be the back story of these two characters sooo it might be long here we go. So Clay is the one with the dark purple jacket on Pam is the one with the dark purple jacket, but anyways, pam used to be this girl named bloom, she would have dreams of Clay every night not even knowing her, so one day, Clay comes to school with her service dog, named Grey, with bandage rap on her arm, they bump into each other, and Clay falls on top of Bloom (aka Pam) and gets embarrassed and gets up quieckly and runs away, Pam tries to catch up with her but can’t so she uses her powers to make a weed wrap around Clay’s ankle(btw she used to be covered in flowers so yeah), tripping her, Pam tries to help but Clay had already stood up and left, Pam runs into Kat and gets taken over by his demon and kills Pam, after that Pam comes back to life and goes and finds Clay’s house. And then they just became a couple,

Welp goodbye my potato’s this was stupid :3

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    신작순 Bella’s memes >:3의 일러스트


    Bella’s memes >:3


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