일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 DearBrotherBee의 일러스트

Sun and Earth

즐겨찾기 4


  • medibangpaint

  • sun

  • 여우

  • Earth

These are two of my characters, Sun and GFD.
They are probably two of my favorite characters, though I actually did not intentionally and consciously create them. GFD appeared in my head before Sun, and then he began to speak with Sun and they really dislike one another. Versa introduced Sun to GFD,as they need to help one another do something??? I don't know, this is a story that appeared in my head while I was trying to sleep. I didn't make it on purpose, and I can only write it from my point of view, as GFD is the only one I know much about. Versa is actually a character I created intentionally, but I subconsciously putherin my subconmindscape, so she is an important part of my brain to GFD. Haha...
I'm insane. My brain has designed a whole scenario where I'm the main character and I do weird and unexpected things... I didn't do this consciously. It's an actual thing that runs through my head. I don't have words to describe all of this.

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    신작순 DearBrotherBee의 일러스트




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