dreaming of the best life
4 years ago
Please get me a secluded house in the forest where I can live my life however I want
oh, I'd also be very happy if I got a HUION Kamvas 13 (https://www.amazon.com/HUION-Supported-13-3inch-Full-Laminated-Anti-Glare/dp/B08DV351F1/ref=sr_1_6?crid=8ZM1HMVFCZND&dchild=1&keywords=kamvas+13&qid=1609111107&sprefix=kamvas%2Caps%2C294&sr=8-6)
Why I want it?
I want to up my artistic skills, and I've been pining for a screen tablet for years. Each time I have the chance to try it (at Conventions or at art fairs) I get so emotional I could cry.