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时间顺序 YtterOdd (Stickerman)的插画

Uranus for Akwuew1Iso (sorry it's so late😭) LEVEL 1

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浏览数 219


  • 原创

  • medibangpaint

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  • 人设

  • Uranus

  • YtterOdd

  • PlanetaryDeity

Sorry this is so late, you've probably given up waiting by now😭, I've just been having horrible trouble putting together proper lore, so I just procrastinated on this project, for years!! but at least I got this out, I'm going to do a better character info page soon, where I'll hopefully have better lore (I hope), but I can write what I have so far, it's not much.
Uranus, They/Them, They are a bit cold, and volatile and they always do everything their own way, they never cared much about fitting in, but they do want to feel welcome and accepted and make connections, they have felt very isolated for a long time, and are feeling a bit desperate for connection, they've never been defeated in battle before, but someone, once came very close, that's how they received the scar, (I haven't figured out who it was yet, but it was some one unexpected and it really shook them up), that's all I've got, if you have any suggestions please send them🙏 any way, thanks for watching!🙏♥♥♥:)


    时间顺序 YtterOdd (Stickerman)的插画


    YtterOdd (Stickerman)



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