Tasma and Severena イエローロータス
-The city under the rule of the Clan is a city イエローロータス [Hieru Rotas], whose current heads are Severina and Tasma イエローロータス,
(city of dawn):
The early dawn illuminated all the nearby mountains. The wind wrapped around the leaves of the local sakura trees, sweeping frost from its branches, brought a frosty freshness. Among the slightly snow-covered rocks, hot springs and perfectly clean lakes, a city in an oriental style could be seen.
The town of the Rotasu clan is built on a mountain plateau, about three kilometers from the great temple of Guji Veromora.
Two sisters are the main matriarchs who divided the clan into two camps...
Tasma and Severina have a genetic feature that causes their hyperbolized female obesity.