일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang


The Maiden's Tower (Kız Kulesi) Turkey/Istanbul

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  • 자랑스러운우리나라콘테스트

Kız Kulesi is a distinctive feature of the Bosporus skyline. Built on a tiny island located about 200m from the shore of Üsküdar, the tower is the main subject to
many legends.
Among these is the legend of Leander from which the tower takes one of its names (Leander’s Tower).The story of Leander and Hero; Hero was a priestess who lived at the edge of the
Dardanelles. Leander, a young man lived on the other side of the strait and fell in love with Hero. Every night he would swim across the sea to be with her. Hero on her side would lid a
lamp to guide his way. One stormy night Leander saw a light he thought was Hero’s lamp and swam out into the straight. However it was not Hero but her father, who discovered their
relationship, and in his jealously he put out the light. Leander lost his way and drowned in the waves. When Hero discovered his death she threw herself to her own death from the top
of the tower. In the end the tower was turned into a light house in honor of their love.

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