I really need a decent phone
hi! Im a college student who badly need to replace my old hand down phone from my sister. I'm too ashamed to ask my parents to buy me a new one since they also have my university tuition fee to take care off. and earning money during pandemic is not that easy. I used to do my online schooling at my old cousins laptop but sadly it broke too. the repair is much more expensive than buying a new one or maybe a secondhand.
link: https://www.amazon.com/Power-battery-Unlocked-Motorola-Camera/dp/B08NWBY8YJ/ref=sxin_14_ac_d_mf_br?ac_md=3-2-TW90b3JvbGE%3D-ac_d_mf_br_br&crid=RJ8IU8P2BPGH&cv_ct_cx=unlocked%20cell%20phone&keywords=unlocked%20cell%20phone&pd_rd_i=B08NWBY8YJ&pd_rd_r=d146176d-8ca6-46af-b43a-cd3135a11d0c&pd_rd_w=BQfMi&pd_rd_wg=u7vey&pf_rd_p=17756b3a-4504-468b-830d-8b5875afd168&pf_rd_r=PK2J12HH66CWJS4QT3JE&psc=1&qid=1640445180&sprefix=unlocked%20%2Caps%2C401&sr=1-3-ed8a42d3-65f1-4884-a3a2-0dd6e83b6876