Tyson Ref. Sheet | Fantastica: Light and Darkness
3 years ago
Here’s Tyson! He may be a bouncy, fun-loving fox-coon mage, but he’ll surely kick someone’s flank if that someone crosses his path. Also, he inherited his magic from his mom, Sorrel, the Vixen of the Swamp.
-22 years old
-Fox-raccoon mage
Mother: Sorrel Marshblitz
Father: Terrence Marshblitz
Brother: Trevor Marshblitz
Sister: Valerie Marshblitz
Paternal Grandparents: Dottie and Tony Marshblitz
Great-Great-Uncle: Dougie Marshblitz (Tony’s paternal uncle)
-The artwork, the OC, and the “Fantastica: Light and Darkness” series all belong to me! Don’t steal or copy!