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Latest Fer Vara’s art

Sonic Gun Palas V.038

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2 years ago

  • BLUEHUNTER_ArtContest2

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Definitely for the excursions of the hunters is necessary a type of light weapon and durable use. The Palas SG has been a standard used by the elite, small and light launches powerful sonic shock waves that incapacitate the enemy in a non-lethal way, underwater its effect is doubled. Ideal for defending against pirates and for sub-aquatic creatures in a non-lethal way - -----------------Definitivamente para las excursiones de los hunters es necesario un tipo de arma ligera y de uso duradero. La Palas SG ha sido un estándar usada por la elite, pequeña y ligera lanza ondas de choque sónico que incapacitan de forma no letal al enemigo, bajo el hago su efecto se duplica. Ideal para defenderse de piratas y para criaturas sub acuáticas de manera no letal.

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