일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Clover의 일러스트

Mermay day last LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 0


  • cute

  • digital

  • 인어

  • digitalillustration

  • Girls

  • ibispaint

  • Mermay

  • IbisPaintX

  • mermaychallenge

  • mermaidart

The month is finally ending. I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with it until the end. These flowers were not in the prompt. But I decided to end mermay with some of my favourite flowers.

Left to right~

First is Daisy and I chose Daisy's blue ricefish because of the name obviously. She seems like an older sister type.
Next one is Queen Anne's lace. And the fish is lace gourami. I love the addition of the Lacey veil on their head. She's the queen XD
Then there's lily of the valley, droopy adorable little flowers. She's the shyest among the bunch. I chose blue lily gourami fish for her.
And last but definitely not least is dandelion with her adorable smile and big fluffy hair. She's probably my most favourite. And the fish I chose is fur bearing trout; a legendary creature purportedly found in American folklore and Icelandic folklore. Even though it's a folklore fish, it suited her the best.

And that's it. I learnt a lot about flowers, fish and mermaids because of this challenge

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    신작순 Clover의 일러스트




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