イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

新着 Arimation Productionsのイラスト

Star Sapphire (SU OC)

お気に入り 1
ビュー数 132


  • medibangpaint

  • オリキャラ

  • スティーブン・ユニバース

This is my SU oc who's gem is just a star sapphire. This is just a sleaker, lower class model. The differences between these two are that a Star Sapphire is not rewarded with future vision, infact these ones are completely blind. They are more like pearls of gems other than the diamonds. Star Sapphire (lets just call her SS) also has some combat skills. she can get twice as cold as a normal sapphire so she can freeze her enemies if needed. Due to her lack of sight, her other skills are enhanced such as hearing, smell, touch, and taste. She can hear an enemy from a few yards away with no problem. She is very obiedient and will do what her gem asks with no objection. whether that be for fighting or for looks. I'd also like to note that I am aware that many people have the same gem for an OC. There are only so many minerals forl OC's its not easy tryig to be the most original


    新着 Arimation Productionsのイラスト


    Arimation Productions


