일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Galactic_Flow의 일러스트


즐겨찾기 6


  • medibangpaint

  • 수채화

  • 우주

  • 은하

  • Vent

So I actually made this with watercolor and pens a while back, but I just didn't post it until now. When I can't draw realistically I just morph everything into my style while trying to keep shapes basically the same. So I tried doing a self portrait and I liked the way this turned out, except my eyes don't look as amazing as they do in the pic.

Some other news tho, finals are coming up super soon and idk why, but teachers like to do this thing where they try to cram us with as much extra shit as possible BEFORE final come. And they're like "Don't be stressed, its not hard" well I guess, maybe I wouldn't stress if you stopped adding shit but oooook.

Besides the stress, guess what. Ya girl actually passed her driving test, so I'm home free until i get my actual liscene. I got my permit for another 4 months I believe, get ready world, a new driver is comin to crash into light poles.

Anyways, have a good day.

    다음 작품

    신작순 Galactic_Flow의 일러스트


    Galactic Baby


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