Dear SantaArtstreet,Harry Potter Books are my life LEVEL 1
4 years ago
I'm an intense bookworm and a diehard harry Potter fan.thisyear due tolockdown my dad's company went downhill. We can't afford to buy Christmas presents or new things, my parents are already having a hard time to pay for bills and my school fees. Harry Potter is bright oxygen bubbles in the dark waters of depression. My english improved a lot by reading and listening to HP movies. Even my passion of art unfolded it's wings when I was introduced to the world of digital art solely due to curiosity in Jim kay's illustrated HP books.
We've a small library in our neighborhood where us bookworms gather together and read out our fav stories to youngones. There's no international books in this library so I want to donate and share these beautifully illustrated books to everyone and find happiness together.
Please🙏 please🙏 please 🙏 Santa Artstreet please help me get these magical books for this Christmas.
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