일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 ♡Oli♡의 일러스트

Elnes OC

즐겨찾기 1


  • 자캐

  • HelpMe

  • Elnes

  • PleaseDontTakeDown

  • PinkAndPurple

Here is Elnes, I was inspired by Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel. He was an OC that I had for a long time ago

Here's the bio:

Name: Elnes

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Likes: Girly things, dancing (no inappropriate) , love, entertaining, helping people, Helping kids, Pink, and Violet

Dislikes: People who hate, scammers, people who judge, people who are better than him

Personality: Flirty, Girly, annoying, sweet (Sometimes), weird (By some people), Stupid

Favorite food: Barries

Favorite drink: Wine

Love interest: Anyone who he dated that he accidentally killed

His father left when he was 7 and his mother was really devastated after his father had left. He did not understand why he left and he blamed his mother for it. He did horribly in school, mainly because he never listened and always fooled around. He is now 26 and he was always so stupid and he never listens to instructions.

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    신작순 ♡Oli♡의 일러스트


    OliJoli15 Baby


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