插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Haruki Takagi的插畫

Bang do Trang (White Headbands)

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閱覽數 95


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  • vietnamese

  • vietnam

  • secretsociety

The Bang do Trang (White Headbands) are an underground organization in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The aided the anti-communist parties and often performed as spies. Everyone was seen as an equal, despite color or gender. Their one goal was to help get the communists out of Vietnam. They made several deals with US soldiers, and even recruited a few. They relied on a suicide pill, made from pufferfish and a secret deadly toxin. Any member had to swear up and down to use the pill if at risk of torture for information before being accepted. Whenever asked what the society does, they are required to answer with “We prepare headbands for funerals. There are a lot going on right now, with the war and all.” The only surefire way to identify a Bang do Trang is a white headband tied around their dominant wrist with the Bang do Trang logo-- a blue star in a grey circle. The founder and leader (Pictured) was a twenty four year old man named An Dung Vu.


    上傳時間 Haruki Takagi的插畫


    Haruki Takagi



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