Powerful Youth
This piece is in honor of Akira Toriyama (1955-2024) creator of Dr. Slump, DragonBall and the artist behind Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest.
This man is the reason I picked up a pencil and put it to paper, I remember back when I watched The Saiyan Saga for the first time in 2nd grade and fell in love with Dragon Ball. Then, I was in after school one day, I was drawing Goku and my friends told me I draw good. Ever since then I was on my grind. I spent all my time trying to replicate pictures of Goku in his ssj form
A couple years and Mark Krilly videos later. I picked up DB again and fell in love for the second time. I ended getting the inspiration to create my own comi
Anywho my art style started with Akira Toriyama’s as a base to begin with then I made it my own. I watched OG DB and I fell in love with Kid Goku also Dragon Quest fueled alot for my characters too, It inspired me to bring those type of characters back into the mix.
Thank You for walking so I can run sensei