일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 evan1989의 일러스트

Empyrian Mage

즐겨찾기 0


  • 매직

  • anime

  • 얼음

  • 자캐

  • mage

  • elemental

  • medieval

  • 마법사

  • power


Empyrian Mages use spellwork to enhance the strength of their armor. It is made from steel that is stronger than any in the world.

The secret of the steel is this, It comes from deep in the Northern Mountains. There is a tribe of mountain dwellers who mine for minerals deep within the rock. They had made a pact with a spirit of the earth. They can sense where specific kinds of metals are located by vibrations that emanate from the solid rock. This material is a kind that is not to be found in any other place in the world. It is located in a part of the world that is said to have been a home to gods long ago, before they were banished from the land of the living. A connection was made with this tribe and the metal workers of the Capitol of the Kingdom of Arcane. It is their secret. There armor and weapons made from these materials cannot be damaged by any form of weapons made by any other kingdom.

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    신작순 evan1989의 일러스트




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