Day N Night
Day N Night (DNN) is a secret society for that handles Night breach__ a rip in the layers of dimension to Earth ( the real world) after every 8 pm of a day.
Agent Dayglow is a Dayone. ( The agent assinged in energy support for Nightling )
Agent Nightgown is a Nightling. (The agent assigned on attacking the Nightwalker__ creatures of the shadow breaching into the day )
77 Diamond District, a place where the Night breach is 0%.
They moved me there, so I'll be out of the way.
The day I arrived, is what never happened before happens.
77 Diamond District is breached.
"Hey,partner~!" Says the little girl.
"Not interested, little girl." I reply.
"No, not that..." she tugs on her ribbon showing me the DNN badge. A real one.
"Who are you?"
"Your new partner!"