일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 YandereFurryChan.Com의 일러스트


즐겨찾기 9


  • medibangpaint

  • Sorry

  • english

  • bad

  • for

  • #Boys

  • HeartBroken

Ok so school started about a month ago. I confessed to crush on May 2017. And the situation is like, he say he does not feel the same way and then he start to hate me.? So he hate me for a month and school end. Then 2 month summer break. In August 23 school start again and I start to see him look my way a lot. Then he is like my friend and actually talk to me like nothing happen? I do not know. I ask his friend who is friend of mine too, why he is so, and he say not like he like you or anything. I was confuse. I did not understand. Then I see my friend who I ask why to, Thomas, talk often to my crush. Then I came over 2 week later, and say I need go because it is private and I can not hear. They almost tell my friend but then they saw me and stop. I am confuse. Very. I hate it. Is very silly and I cannot understand why they are not tell me thing like secret anymore but I never told their secret to any one. Help please.
Thank you for understanding,

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    신작순 YandereFurryChan.Com의 일러스트




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