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Time Challenge feat. Akikloid-chan!

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7 years ago

  • medibangpaint


  • Akikloid-chan

  • Timechallenge

If you've never heard of Akikloid, never fear, for Wizard is here! Akikloid-chan was a specially commissioned Vocaloid for a conveni store chain in Japan, LAWSON I think? It was never sold to the public. Loid was added to the name specially for the Vocaloid version. Also I never noticed Akikloid's artist was also Mayu's! The style of eye, the coloring and just the cool kind of grain/dusty texture it's got. The leggings show it the most. Take my info with a grain of salt as well, because I'm just trying to remember what the wikia told me. Akikloid was based off of LAWSON's other character, Akiko. Akiko's brother built Akikloid in Akiko's image, but made to be more Android like, I think. He built her in a week-

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