일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 mothgodx의 일러스트

Allosaurus With Her Babies (Dino study #2)

즐겨찾기 2


  • digital

  • dino

  • allosaurus

  • fullbody

  • digitalpainting

  • dinosaur

  • Dinosaur

  • Dino

  • paleoart

For this one I wanted to work on having multiple elements in the same piece and more complex patterns on the dino. I’m honestly not that happy with how it turned out, the colors didn’t come out how I wanted them to and the method I tried to use for getting all the different colors on the dino didn’t mesh well with my normal painting style (the one I used on the stego and nest). But I guess you live and learn

I think for the next one I’ll try another patterned dino, but use a different method. For the Allos, I tried first painting it in grayscale and then using filters to add on the patterns to avoid the tedious-ness of repainting the pattern every time I want to add shadows to the pattern. I think next time I’ll try doing the patterns on different layers and have they base be a monochrome, not grayscale.

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    신작순 mothgodx의 일러스트




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