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时间顺序 Sherly的插画

[Day 5] Waiting for you. (26th August 2022)

收藏 3
浏览数 191


  • 校园

  • 写生

  • 线稿

  • 原创人设

  • animeart

  • tired

  • challenge

  • day5

  • Levi33OCs

  • thirdoc

I was waiting for you to comeback home,
It has been awhile.

The snow that always sweeps by our feet when we would walk around the snowy field,
The desperate feeling of keeping our body warm right by the fireplace,
I was waiting for it all.

And yet, just like snow,

You disappeared when it's sunny.



Hope you're doing golden!!
This is def not a school uniform but he is a school oc, just not in his uniform lol

So anw anw, school suckss man
Like i literally have exams next week! It's bonkers! Not fun!

Idk how and why anime or just basically entertainments that we watched on the screen would make school seems so magical and stuff like that
But it'll just bring all the nightmares from an all-nighter lmao

So this is attlas, Nim's split, i thought he was Nim but turns out they're two diff people
And that's why i don't reaaally know him yet, i only know him as a nerd who play lotta games and is very playful

Gamer boi basically lol


Strings are actually fun to draw lol


    时间顺序 Sherly的插画


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