일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 aetherwth☆의 일러스트

where have i been?

즐겨찾기 1


  • medibangpaint

hi! it's been three years now! i know, i uploaded some crappy art then dipped for about three years but yk
i actually did not disappear i created a new acc and like started new there and im just revisiting where i started off in the internet after so much ive been through /neg
while i was not well known im still atleast... known! so if you remember me, hey, i'm aether, formally bettina
i was 9 when i posted my first artwork here in medibang, but i'm 12 now and i'm turning 13 in 3 months as im typing this
this account makes me remember how innocent i was. so much has happened to me in the span of three years
mmm this is really just me dumping all my emotions into some website ive never visited in years
anyway, this is really just a reminder that im still alive and kicking and i most probably will never come back again, see you, over and out!!!

    다음 작품

    신작순 aetherwth☆의 일러스트

    Feral Artist


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